Ayesha Curry Can’t Escape The Burn From Cleveland’s Sports Franchises On Twitter

It’s going to take a lot for the Curry family to live down the NBA Finals. Not only did Steph Curry end up looking a little foolish in the closing games of the series, but Ayesha Curry seemed to take a few broadsides for her outbursts on Twitter. Cleveland sports fans and even the Cavs themselves have been trolling Curry since she tweeted about the NBA being rigged in Game 6.

She’s taken some heat from Stephen A. Smith and even had a t-shirt created in her honor, but now she’s getting some cross-sports trolling courtesy of the Cleveland Indians. It all started with this tweet from the Cavs that noted the similarity between schedules:

Then we got to the burn portion with the Indians account’s reply:

Not the sickest of burns out there, but it’s just a little extra salt in the wound from the city of Cleveland. And if there was doubt about the reference in relation to Ayesha Curry, whoever runs the Indians account was quick to clear it up.

At least they didn’t attack her cooking show, right? That would just be low down and dirty, even if Cleveland kinda deserves to gloat a bit.

(Via Bro Bible / Twitter)