Cersei’s Revenge On ‘Game Of Thrones’ Was Originally Meant To Be Much Darker

It’s a famous scene from Reservoir Dogs no one can forget; Quentin Tarantino slowly pans the camera away from Officer Nash while Mr. Blonde has his way with his ear. What we didn’t see is far worse and more disturbing than actually showing the mutilation on film. The viewer fills in the gaps and the horror in their minds, and everything is (possibly) worse than the reality of the situation.

We got a taste of this method when Cersei Lannister turned her back and closed the door on Ser Gregor Clegane and Septa Unella, leaving The Mountain to do whatever he’d like to the woman who “shamed” the new Queen of Westeros. Considering the brutality of the books and the series, many fans believed that Septa Unella was going to be sexually assaulted by Gregor, who has a history of violence unlike any other in the Seven Kingdoms. When the Lannisters sacked King’s Landing, it was Ser Gregor who bashed the skull of baby Aegon Targaryen against a wall, then raped and murdered Elia Martell with her son’s gore covering his armor.

This option clearly wouldn’t be out of the question for The Mountain, but we also know that The Mountain isn’t really The Mountain anymore. He’s Zombie Mountain and seems to only do as he’s told. So whether Cersei told him to rape her, we’ll never know. But it seems like what happened behind that door is reprehensible, to say the least, and the original scene was going to be much, much worse. So said Lena Headey to Entertainment Weekly.

It’s so filthy. It’s so great. Everybody’s witnessed what happened with the two of them. I don’t think people will be able to help going, “Yes!” But it’s so depraved, it’s brilliant. The scene was meant to be worse, but they couldn’t do it. This is like the tame version. It’s pretty bad still though. I’d take being exploded in the Sept over that any day.

It looked like Septa Unella was laid out on a torture rack of some sort, so perhaps Zombie Mountain used that, or employed some of his skull-crushing skills to make Unella’s last breaths as horrible as they could be. What happened in that room is truly up to our imagination.

(Via Entertainment Weekly)