Here’s Your First Look Inside The Athlete Village At The Rio Olympics

The Rio Olympics may be filled with trouble from viruses, raw sewage, upset police officers, random kidnapping, bribery scandals, drug scandals and mysterious body parts washing up ashore, but at least the Olympic Village looks nice!

CNN got a tour of what the athlete’s village this year will look like, and it is complete with 31 different 17-story buildings, a bike track, tennis courts, pools, gyms, a florist, a 24-hour cafeteria, and anything else athletes could want while they aren’t competing. The rooms themselves look kind of bland, but they do come equipped with air conditioning, and as many condoms as the athletes could possibly need over two weeks.  The rooms will not have TVs though (so they can’t watch the other events without attending live? That kind of stinks) and have small metal beds, all in Rio’s effort to not spend any more money on the games than they already have. There are also no drawers. Okay, so maybe it isn’t that nice after all.

This, of course, comes just a day after the reports that athletes from Australia, Great Britain, and New Zealand that arrived in Rio found their living quarters “uninhabitable” with such issues as blocked toilets, leaking pipes, and exposed wiring present upon their arrival, so make of that what you will.

The Opening Ceremony is on Aug. 5, so there’s plenty of time to make all the necessary fixes, right?

(Via CNN)