Joel Embiid Is Pretty Happy About What Instagram Stories Might Mean For His Single Life

As Joel Embiid’s march toward actually playing in NBA games continues to cause unabashed excitement among Philadelphia 76ers fans, his outgoing personality has caused those same fans both joy and trepidation. Joy, because he’s hilarious, and trepidation because he’s still young, maturing and prone to faux pas.

For those on the anxious side about Embiid’s off-court behaviors, Embiid’s feelings on the new Instagram Stories feature will not do anything to quell those fears. For the rest of us, Joel continues to entertain with stuff like this:

So apparently with this new Snapchat-copying Stories feature, when you see an Instagrammer’s disappearing story you can respond with a direct text message. Embiid sees the possibilities in that feature, which he now might use to find his own Rihanna to share Shirley Temples with. (Just kidding, you know there’s only one RiRi.)

Embiid has been on the sidelines since he’s been drafted, but he’s also been around the NBA for that time. He might be joking around, he might be deadly serious, but at this point, he probably knows enough to keep those messages private. Just because it’s not on Snapchat doesn’t mean it’s not vulnerable to accidental public consumption of the privates. Stay safe out there, Joel.