Earlier this year, Warner Bros. Animation announced Justice League Action, a new 11-minute Cartoon Network series, which will feature the voices of Kevin Conroy as Batman and Mark Hamill as The Joker. Turns out those are far from the only voices the show is going to feature.
Every episode of Justice League Action will star either Batman, Superman or Wonder Woman, but there will also be an impressive variety of guest stars. According to producer Butch Lukic, the first season of Justice League Action will feature 152 DC Comics characters – around 60 heroes, 40 villains, and another 50 supporting characters. You can check some of them in action in the Justice League Action trailer at the top of this post.
152 characters is a lot, and producer Jim Krieg teased how deep Justice League Action is going to dive…
“John Constantine is in quite a few early episodes, and Demon. Space Cabbie — DC wanted him involved in the series, and he turned out to be a good choice. We definitely can go a lot of places with Space Cabbie.”
If Space Cabbie is one of the major characters, I can only imagine the cameos. Krieg also hinted at some of the storylines the new series may tackle.
“Some episodes are loosely based on comics. I really like our haunted house episode. It’s set during Halloween and has kids dressed up as their favorite superheroes. That’s probably my favorite so far. It was written by Paul Dini. I think you’re going to find that many DC stones have been turned. Who you think might show up in the Superman family will show up.”
Justice League Action debuts this fall on Cartoon Network.
(Via Comic Book Resources)