Zack Snyder Directed A Tiny Chunk Of ‘Suicide Squad’

Want to see a magic trick? Zack Snyder. POOF! Just mentioning those two words can instantly start a fight on any social media service, at any geek bar, or Ben Affleck’s pool party. It turns out that the divisive Batman v Superman director has his fingerprints on the freshly released Suicide Squad in a way you might not have suspected.

Snyder, who served as an executive producer on the DC Comics blockbuster, actually directed a small part of the film. Suicide Squad writer-director David Ayer revealed to Collider that SPOILERS AHOY! Snyder was the man that helmed the portion of the motion picture where Captain Boomerang’s capture by The Flash is shown in a flashback sequence.

The portion of the movie in question was shot in London, and Ayer says some good fortune played a factor in capturing that part of the story. It takes a lot to make a select number of seconds happen in a superherovillain blockbuster.

“Flash was always in the movie,” noted Ayer. “We just got lucky because Justice League was happening and they had the uniform, they had the assets, so we were able to get that photography.”

Suicide Squad is now in theaters and has another Snyder trait to it too: Mixed reviews.

(Via Collider & Vulture)