‘Stranger Things’ Gets A Gleefully Goofy ’80s Sitcom Intro Makeover

There’s something about smiling kids riding their bikes through a neighborhood while Randy Newman jangles a tune. Everyone has been those kids, wind blowing through their hair as they go on a Saturday adventure, it’s just that not every kid has had to deal with a transdimensional beast escaping from a secret government lab and stealing their friend. At least not with Randy Newman providing the soundtrack.

Yes, Netflix’s Stranger Things is a spooky tale in which teenagers (SPOILER) are whisked away and then consumed by darkness personified, but there are also plenty of ’80s tropes, moments of strained friendships, and most importantly — hijinx! That led to YouTuber Tim Bennett editing down Stranger Things to only its most (wonderfully) corny moments. The type of moments that you’d see in a sitcom opening.

So sit back and listen to the dulcet tones of Randy Newman’s “Strange Things” from the Toy Story soundtrack as the denizens of Hawkins, Indiana laugh, the sheriff bites into a donut, the kids find themselves with armfuls of chocolate pudding, and young love is discovered. Oh, and there’s even a dinner scene (and Winona Ryder).

Hawkins seems like a pretty great place, if it weren’t for that darn secret government lab. Oh well!

(Via The Verge)