Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is currently enjoying a much deserved vacation for the next month, but the titular host couldn’t leave without discussing Donald Trump one last time. That’s right, yet another satirical news show has gifted the internet with a potentially viral clip in which a comedian “destroys” the Republican presidential nominee long enough to engage the average viewer’s attention span. Instead of repeating this formula verbatim, however, Oliver offered Trump a mostly serious bit of campaign advice.
“You’re either going to win or you’re going to lose, and I think both those scenarios end pretty badly for you,” said Oliver. “I would like to propose to you a third option and that is, drop out. Simply drop out and tell America this entire candidacy was a stunt. A satire designed to expose the flaws in the system. And the thing is, you could actually make a fairly decent case for that.”
The comedian analyzed several “good points” Trump “accidentally made” throughout the primaries and general election. While the segment cannot possibly cover Trump’s entire public life since his famous escalator ride last summer, Oliver presented a fairly convincing case for the “third option.” And since the Donald himself suggested such a possibility in an interview with the New York Times, it’s not without merit.
Just think about how triumphant it would feel to say on national television: “I openly ran on a platform of impossibly ignorant proposals steeped in racial bigotry, and nobody stopped me. In fact, you embraced me for it! What the f*ck was that about?” That would be one of the most powerful political speeches of all time.
“You would not be a loser [for dropping out],” Oliver added. “You would be a legend.”
For a final bit of credibility, Oliver indicated a “foolproof instruction manual” that Trump and his campaign could use: Dan Gutman’s The Kid Who Ran for President, a popular children’s book published in 1996. “This is basically about you,” he joked while summarizing its major plot points. Will Arnett then loaned his magical voice acting talents to the segment’s conclusion, narrating pertinent chunks of Kid Who so that Trump wouldn’t even have to read it.
(Via Huffington Post)