Kanye West Showed Up To Perform At His Friend Chance The Rapper’s Festival

Chance The Rapper‘s Magnificent Coloring Day was a stacked festival before Kanye West decided to drop in for a surprise set. But the sudden presence of two of the greatest rappers walking in front of a hometown crowd certainly didn’t hurt the prestige of Chano’s Southside celebration.

Yeezy dropped in on his favorite protege (sorry, Cudi, you played yourself) to perform some of his biggest hits. Of course, after a run-through of “Black Skinhead,” “Can’t Tell Me Nothing,” “Touch The Sky,” “Gold Digger,” “Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1” and “Pt. 2, Chance had to join Ye for a performance of their #blessed track “Ultra Light Beam.” Check out the performance of “Beam” up top. It’s certainly enough to get us all geeked for that upcoming Chance X Kanye collaborative album Good Ass Job.

If that video doesn’t quite scratch your joyous ‘Ye tune itch, check out Florida A&M’s Marching 100 playing “Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1” as a bit of a teaser for the always insane Florida Classic.

Kanye’s surprise was far from the only fest-crash of the day. It seems Chicago was chock full of its most famous sons, with Common hosting AAHH! Fest on the same day. Even though Chance had his own show to get to, he couldn’t resist stopping by for a quick set.


(Via Stereogum)