How ‘Westworld’ Pulled Off That Debaucherous Giant Orgy Scene

A year before the premiere of Westworld on HBO, the premium network’s potential Game of Thrones successor hit a public relations snag. An alleged consent agreement dug up by the press indicated hired talent would “be fully nude and/or witness others fully nude and participate in graphic sexual situations.” HBO quickly denied the documentation, explaining it was written and produced “by an outside extras casting vendor” and was not beholden to their brand. However, as “Contrapasso” proved on Sunday, there was most definitely a gargantuan orgy scene in Westworld in which dozens of extras were “fully nude,” “[witnessing] others fully nude,” and “[participating] in graphic sexual relations.”

The Hollywood Reporter talked to Westworld executive producer (and second episode director) Richard J. Lewis about the town of Pariah, which “Contrapasso” introduced, and the orgy scene specifically. He admitted he “[doesn’t] take care of that end of things,” but knew a thing or two about the “sex stylist” who did:

“We hired what they called “special extras,” “special background players,” who were willing to participate. We also had a sex stylist who made sure things looked properly choreographed in that regard. It was all hands on deck, to say the silly pun. We were trying to make things feel elegant and graceful and beautiful and strange.”

A quick survey of Westworld‘s IMDb page revealed no use of the specific occupation “sex stylist,” nor anything akin to “consulting sex expert,” “sexual choreographer” and the like. Regardless of the job’s existence in name, however, Lewis’ admission that whomever HBO hired to help make the orgy scene look and feel as realistic as possible is enough to guarantee its realness.

For all we know, there may be a professional “sex stylist” working in the Los Angeles area who’s occupation entails designing and executing all of Hollywood’s biggest and best orgy scenes. Maybe his or her name is Terry, and whenever potential clients seek out their help, they throw them an elegant business card that reads: “Terry… Sex Stylist.”

(Via the Hollywood Reporter)