Dramatic Reveal on ‘Maury’: Woman Total Slut

There aren’t a lot of twists on “Maury” that can surprise me: after a while, all the paternity suits start to feel the same. But in the video here, Povich talks about his most dramatic DNA reveal: a woman gave birth to fraternal twins who had different fathers.

“I didn’t even know that was possible,” [Povich] said, “but when there are fraternal twins, you could have two fathers.”

In rare instances when twins are conceived by different fathers, it’s called heteropaternal superfecundation, according to Discover Magazine. [Aol News]

Wow, that’s quite a mouthful — “heteropaternal superfecundation.” Well, a mouthful for me, probably not the woman in question. Regardless, it’s an awfully fancy term for what translates to “a lotta dudes spooged in that chick.”