Captain’s Log: Brent Celek

Captain Morgan is at Super Bowl XLV in North Texas with our very own Matt Ufford and another special guest.

So, this is the sort of thing we’ve been working on while I’m in Dallas with the Captain Morgan people. In this video, Brent Celek talks to the Captain about the  medical condition that forced him to do the Captain Morgan pose after scoring a touchdown in a game against the Cowboys. I think it turned out well; despite the inherent evils of advertising, this video actually made me laugh. (Gratuitous Simpons quote that comes to mind every time I say something nice about Captain Morgan: “What a brave corporate logo!”)

Anyway, regardless of your feelings about spiced rum or advertising or lack of hilarious groin shots, there is a little slice of magnanimity here: the One Million Poses campaign donates $1 to a charity called the First Mate fund every time someone submits a picture of the Captain’s pose to their Facebook page.

We’ll have a couple more of these videos before the Super Bowl begins. I promise to do my best to make them modestly entertaining if you go easy on the angry torch- and pitchfork-waving.