Bill Murray’s Champagne-Fueled Interview Of Theo Epstein Was The Best Moment Of The Cubs Celebration

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When it comes to the postgame reactions of the Chicago Cubs’ superfans, no one is going to top Bill Murray. We already knew that would be the case, but it’s still absolutely wonderful to bask in his sheer joy after the Cubs finally won a World Series. Short of Eddie Vedder teleporting back to Wrigley, through the magic of John Cusack’s vape cloud, to host a massive Pearl Jam concert for the fans who broke into the stadium, nobody would steal this spectacular, historic moment from Murray. Not even that one Cubs fan who is running for President.

Murray had a ton of great moments last night, but arguably the greatest came during the locker room celebration, as the beloved actor joined the team for a champagne shower to end all champagne showers. He also took over interview duties for the press, because when Bill-f*cking-Murray wants to take the mic and do his thing, you just let him do it. Especially when it’s time to talk to Cubs president Theo Epstein, who could make billions selling his DNA to other sports franchises for cloning purposes.

And that’s not even the best part. Here are Murray and Dexter Fowler talking about beards and baseball like a couple of drunk kids.

A Bill Murray Cubs dynasty beard could be pretty glorious.