‘Rogue One’ Director Gareth Edwards Reveals A Funny Easter Egg To Watch For

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is already tracking to make over $130 million in its opening weekend in North America, the second highest December opening after some scrappy little movie called Star Wars: The Force Awakens. And while we wait to finally see it, we’ve been trying to spot Easter eggs like kyber crystals and other details from the first Rogue One teaser, the Star Wars Celebration reel, and the first and second trailers.

Now Rogue One and Godzilla director Gareth Edwards himself is tipping fans to an Easter egg to look out for in a scene taking place in the cave home of Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker). On The Star Wars Show (video above) Edwards revealed, “There’s some Easter eggs. In Saw’s cave, there are some cave paintings. One of them is of the creatures that were in my first film, called Monsters, and then there’s a Godzilla. I didn’t ask for it, I just came in one day and saw it.”

Imagine working on a Star Wars set design and deciding, “Yeah, I’m gonna draw Godzilla on this f*cking wall right here.” Here’s to you, ballsy set designer. Oh, and here’s a new asthmatic TV spot.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story saves the dream this December 16th.

(Via Screen Rant and Star Wars)