In a promo for this weekend’s SNL, Emma Stone, who is returning to host for a third time, shares the stage with Kenan Thompson. In an alternate dimension, she’s the co-star of Good Burger with Kel Mitchell, and he’s dancing with Ryan Gosling in La La Land. Okay, maybe things wouldn’t play out exactly like that, but on Thursday’s The Tonight Show, Stone told Jimmy Fallon that she auditioned for Nick’s All That when she was 12 years old.
The Oscar-nominated actress — if only Lori Beth Denberg could say the same — obviously didn’t make the cut for the sketch series, partially because she didn’t realize she was supposed to prepare characters in advance. So, mere minutes before auditioning, Stone made up a couple on the spot. “I remember that one was a cheerleader that couldn’t spell what she was cheering,” Stone said. “And then there was another one that was actually pretty nuts: A babysitter who is possessed. So as she’s reading books to the kids, she’ll go like, ‘Goldilocks and the [sudden deep voice] THREE BEARS.”
Stone’s career turned out just fine — La La Land is the Best Picture frontrunner; plus, she sang “Turn Up the Beef” in Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, and that movie owns — but on the rare night where she’s home alone, I bet she sits in her bathtub in a yellow rain slicker and flippers.