The first few weeks of Donald Trump as President Elect have been rocky ones. Between calls to the President of Taiwan, the PEOTUS making baseless claims of illegal voting on November 8th, and him continually spending time calling out SNL skits when he could be devoting that time to intelligence briefings, Trump hasn’t exactly proven he can run the government smoothly. Or at all.
During the President Elect’s recent tweet storms and spontaneous calls to foreign leaders, Late Night With Seth Meyers was on hiatus. Which is unfortunate, since the show always manages to offer a great focus on current events that other late night offerings can’t always match. Upon the show’s return, Seth wastes no time getting down and dirty with Trump’s latest slip ups and all of the Republicans who refuse to stand up to his lies, misstatements, and dangerous policy moves.
Meyers doesn’t hold back with any of his jokes, as audiences have come to expect from the host, including comparing Reince Priebus to Kevin Garnett because he keeps saying “anything is possible” in regards to some of Trump’s outlandish theories, or saying that there are “few cases of voter fraud than there are acceptable ways of spelling Hanukkah.” He even predicts a sad future where the way we do the Pledge of Allegiance is with a hand on our foreheads rather than over our hearts. Which seems like a not too far off future rather than a joke, based on recent events.
With this latest installment of “A Closer Look” Meyers continues to solidify his place as a late night host with a clear perspective and a voice. Plus, jokes about people from Massachusetts only going to New Hampshire for tax-free liquor. Which isn’t as much a commentary on the current political state of our country as it is a necessary truth about how much Massachusetts residents like hard alcohol.