Flying is certainly the top way to travel if you’re going across the country or heading overseas, that is unless you’re keen on sailing for some reason. It’s cheaper, but the lower price tag means the creature comforts might not be there to make it bearable. Some airlines have a reputation for poor customer service, but JetBlue has always been a leader for making flights a nice undertaking. They offer free DirecTV on all flights, have some of the best snacks in the game, and just seem to know that flying is a slog for most average folks out there. That’s not to say other airlines aren’t doing their best, but JetBlue definitely makes the list despite some setbacks.
Their latest expansion to their in-flight offerings might be one of the biggest in recent memory, though. The airline will now offer their Fly-Fi internet service for free on all flights. If you’ve ever tried to use WiFi on a flight, you know how terrible it can be and that’s made even worse when you’re paying for it. While there’s no confirmation that JetBlue’s promised version is better, the “free” next to the name pushes it over the cliff:
JetBlue’s Fly-Fi®, which clocks in at broadband speeds beating sluggish and pricey Wi-Fi offerings onboard other carriers, keeps customers connected with an Internet experience similar to what they have at home, including the ability to stream video and use multiple devices at once. The service enables JetBlue to deliver Amazon Video streaming entertainment to customers onboard to their personal devices, as well as web surfing and chatting on favorite messaging apps.
Mashable points out that most of JetBlue’s service has been measured from 15-30mbps, which is reportedly far higher than most of the paid WiFi you see on other flights. They do report that Gogo, the largest in-flight WiFi provider, is planning to raise their speeds to 100mbps but currently fall off around 10mbps currently.
If anything, the news points towards a positive future for air travel. They could do something about the seats, the food, and the people obviously, but free WiFi is better than nothing.