FX Teases A Glamorous Brand Of Celebrity Beef With ‘Feud’

If you’re aiming to destroy someone, it makes for better TV if you do it with a classic Hollywood touch. At least, that’s what these stylish teasers for Ryan Murphy’s addictive looking new FX offering Feud seem to suggest. (He’s not wrong.)

The American Crime/Horror/Medical Story dynamo has his latest star-studded project in the on-deck circle complete with tiny glimpses into what to expect when Susan Sarandon’s Bette Davis and Jessica Lange’s Joan Crawford tangle for our Sunday night entertainment. In the tease nestled above, our cordial invitation includes a fat dead rat on the menu. Glamorous! The reaction to said meal plays out the way you might imagine. Well, unless you’re one of the aliens from V, but your priority list is probably different in that case.

The second tease is also good television fun.


“I can’t say that I share her ambition, but I became more and more respectful of who she was,” Sarandon recently told Entertainment Weekly about her work researching Davis. “She regretted that she married so many times. She also said that you should never marry someone who makes less money because the men eventually can’t deal with it, which I thought was really interesting.”

Feud: Bette and Joan is scheduled to debut on FX on March 5.