Alec Baldwin Relives His ‘SNL’ Past With Pete Davidson And Faces Down Getting Old

For his 17th time hosting Saturday Night Live, Alec Baldwin decided to ditch the Trump get up and focus on his past achievements on the show. This brings out Pete Davidson and Baldwin is faced with the inevitability of getting old alongside SNL‘s youngest cast member. The show could’ve easily gone with another trip down into Trump territory here, but instead opted for a “best of” the show in a way, giving Davidson some time to shine with Baldwin and also playing up his record number of hosting appearances.

This doesn’t count his numerous one off’s over the years, showing that either Baldwin loves the show or he’s just got nothing to do. I still wish it was the latter and he just haunted the studio like Phantom of the Paradise, but that’d just be ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as Baldwin hitting the streets in his Trump makeup and taking the role a bit too far. Grabbing people, signing executive orders, etc.

It is definitely weird to see the younger Baldwin in action. SNL showed Baldwin’s first episode in the 10 pm slot before the local news and it was definitely a time loop. It’s the feeling you get when you see Baldwin in Beetlejuice. You know he’s meant to be there, but he’s also clearly Alec Baldwin that many people have come to see as the guy from 30 Rock. He’s traded spots with some alternate Baldwin somewhere after Glengarry Glen Ross.

(Via SNL)