If you’ve ever gotten the “travel bug“, you know that sometimes lack of money can get in the way with your world adventures. But, what if someone actually wanted to pay you to travel? That sounds like a dream scenario, right? One that certainly requires an advanced degree or years of travel blogging experience. Actually, it doesn’t.
European travel company Busabout is currently “recruiting for the best job in the world,” and that might be the understatement of the century. The company is searching for two people to travel throughout Europe, hitting up all the hot spots, while vlogging about their experiences. The only requirements are that you can work together as a team, produce daily videos of your shenanigans, and actively use social media to show the rest of the world your globe-trotting journey.
Not only will they pay to send you on this crazy adventure, they’ll cover all of your travel expenses, too. This includes flights from the US and all hotels. You even get a daily stipend for food and some extra cash after the trip is completed. They are literally paying you to have the time of your life. Can it get any better?
The two available positions are “Brand Ambassador” and “Video Producer.” Applicants for the first job should be pretty good at explaining their experience to a broad audience, be a decent writer, and be a “natural in front of the camera.” If you feel like the other position is better suited for your skills, you should probably already know how to use a video camera.
You should also be creative and have the ability to think up interesting video ideas. Nobody wants to see you sitting in a hotel room explaining all the fun you had that day, they want to actually see what you’re getting into.
The trip itself will last roughly 180 days and you need to be available from April to September 2017. During that time, you’ll get a chance to visit some of the oldest and most beautiful castles in Europe, check out the breathtaking views in the Swiss Alps, and even raise a stein or two at Oktoberfest in Munich. Read that again: They’re going to pay you to go to the biggest party in the world!
If you feel like you’re a perfect fit for either of these jobs, you’d better get your application ready. You can find all the details here. Thinking of applying? Do it! There could be much worse ways to spend your summer.