Seth Meyers Peeks Through The Holes In Trump’s Immigration Plans

Seth Meyers has been crushing the political coverage with his “A Closer Look” on Late Night, and his segment on Wednesday night was no different. By exposing Trump’s inflation of the number of undocumented immigrants currently residing in the United States and pointing out how “illegals” are becoming a catch-all boogey man for Republicans, Meyers doesn’t let up in his criticism (or his dedication to making deer look like they’re laughing).

By using the facts that immigrants are actually less likely to commit crimes that people born in America and that more Mexicans are leaving the US than coming, Meyers seeks to make sense of the false claims that spread like wildfire from the Trump administration. With Trump’s claims that there could be “as many as 30 million” immigrants living illegally in the States, Meyers takes him to task with “just because you [Donald Trump] don’t know doesn’t mean no one knows.” Between that response and an embarrassing upper case email asking Trump’s friend and private developer Jorge Perez if he was interested in building the proposed border wall, it paints a picture of a president who does now know what he’s really doing.

Trump may be promising a “impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall,” but how he’ll actually do it remains to be seen, and it certainly won’t “pay for itself many times over.”