Stephen Colbert And A Team Of Building Experts Lend Their Expertise On Trump’s Border Wall Construction

Late Show host/fantasy dad Stephen Colbert is helping Donald Trump with his beloved (and ever changing) border wall project. No, Colbert hasn’t sold out to Trump in a stunning heel turn. It’s quite the opposite.

On his late night television program, Colbert attempted to use President Trump’s wall building strategy to build a blueprint and get a jump on wall construction. He assembled a team of construction experts (an architect, engineer, interior designer and even a “concrete guy”) to see about the logistics of making this enormous barrier a reality. What’s that? You’ve already sorted out that the initial wall claims aren’t all they seem? You’d get along well with this panel.

Using Trump’s claims and promises for his “beautiful” wall, the costs weren’t exactly in the Value Meal range. Who cares? Mexico’s going to pay for it somehow even thought they totally won’t. To make this “impenetrable” border block the cost will reach into the trillions says Colbert’s panel and lots of whiteboard note-taking.

Naturally, this price point needed to be discussed with the Mexican consulate.

“This is Stephen Colbert from ‘The Late Show,’” said Colbert in a phone call to the consulate. “We’re trying to come up with just some rough numbers. Obviously, don’t hold my feet to the fire over this, but we’ve got a rough number of $2 trillion to build the border wall and I was wondering if you had that in petty cash right now.”

The petty cash never came. That spoiler shouldn’t dissuade you from checking out this hilarious and savvy clip. There’s a reason why Colbert is rising in the ratings, y’know.