Stephen Colbert Hilariously Lampooned Rachel Maddow’s Anticlimactic Trump Tax Reveal With One Of His Own

On Tuesday evening, Rachel Maddow claimed to have Trump’s tax returns, causing the internet to meltdown from anticipation. However, the information she had ended up just being a few pages from his 2005 return, and while it is certainly a good place to start and part of a still unfolding story, people were a bit letdown. Maddow was unfortunately roasted by many in the cable news community for her “bombshell,” and now it seems that late night is here to add to the pile on.

Because many still miss Stephen Colbert‘s razor sharp satire from The Colbert Report, any time he wades into the political arena always feels like a gift from the comedy gods. In an elaborate explanation of “a joke that we have confirmed has been heard by Donald Trump,” Colbert nails the cadence, over-explanation, and even wardrobe of Maddow, right down to the V-neck under the blazer look. Is it strangely unsettling to see so much of Colbert’s neck where a tie normally takes up space? Yes. Does it help make this a nearly perfect joke? Absolutely.

While Maddow is obviously doing her part to explore the rumors of how deep Trump’s corruption goes, that doesn’t mean she’s above some well-intentioned ribbing. Something tells me that she’ll even enjoy the dig from Colbert. Getting roasted by the master really is something to aspire to.