Hear Marissa Nadler’s Latest Gothic Folk Stunner ‘Rosemary’

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Any chance to hear new music from darkly effervescent songwriter Marissa Nadler is appreciated, but a new song from her as a contribution to the Our First 100 Days project is particularly good. In the wake of Trump’s election a group of musicians with more liberal-leaning views banded together for a project called Our First 100 Days, which shares a song a day and donates proceeds from sales to groups who focus on defending the rights of marginalized people that have come under fire during the Trump presidency, like immigrants, the LGBTQ community, Muslims, and more.

Nadler’s new track is called “Rosemary” and you can gently slot it next to the gothic folk of her last two albums, 2014’s July and 2016’s Strangers. “This is a brand new song, recorded at home,” Nadler said of the track. “It’s a terrifying time right now and I suppose one of the few consolations is the unifying quality of art and music. I’m happy to be part of that.”

Like most of the songs on the project, it isn’t specifically addressing Trump or the current political climate in overt terms, but there is a longing and a sadness that forms the foundation of the song that feels fitting for the confusion and fear a lot of people are feeling right now. There’s a nostalgia here for the past that’s hard not to relate to as well.

Other standouts from the series include a new version of a track from Julien Baker and a brand new song from Angel Olsen.

Check out the song up top and read more about Our First 100 Days here.