Scarlett Johansson has played Black Widow in five Marvel movies so far, but the long-rumored Black Widow solo movie has never come to be. Marvel head Kevin Feige long ago said there had been some development on the film, and Johansson had spoken with them. It even went far enough for Guardians Of The Galaxy co-writer Nicole Perlman to write a treatment. Then things went silent.
Now Chris Evans has said he “wouldn’t be surprised” if the movie does happen when Elle asked him “Why hasn’t there been a stand-alone Black Widow movie yet?”
“That’s a good question. It would really just clean up, wouldn’t it? Scarlett [Johansson] is so good at everything she does. She’s played such a crucial part in the other films. She always makes her presence so felt — even when there are 50 different superheroes running around onscreen. I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens at some point in the future. I’m sure Scarlett would be open to it.”
Part of the reason it hasn’t happened already is likely because Johansson, being the current highest-grossing actress, would command a higher wage than Marvel may be willing to pay compared to what the movie might gross. But now, with the $110 million budgeted Ghost In The Shell only making $18.5 million in its opening weekend (and possibly turning only a modest profit after international sales), Johansson may be more eager to sign on for a lead action role guaranteed to be high profile, coming from a studio with a long string of successes. If a solo Black Widow outing ever moves forward, let’s just hope it’s nothing like the SNL version.
(Via Elle and Screen Rant)