Discover Where ‘Love Actually’ Goes Next With The ‘Red Nose Day Actually’ Trailer

Loved, loathed and firmly entrenched in the pop culture landscape, Love Actually has cast a spell on a certain breed of movie fan. (Also, people that get bathing suit area tingly for Bill Nighy.) A star-studded bit of video is giving the English romantic comedy’s devotees a peek into what those characters are up to in 2017. Does it include Hugh Grant falling down some stairs? Yes! Yes, it does.

That viewing rectangle nestled above is a trailer for Red Nose Day Actually. The mini-sequel sees where a boatload of the folks from the original movie are at. Keira Knightley, Andrew Lincoln, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant and Liam Neeson headline the star-studded Love Actually 2ish endeavour. As you may have gathered from the title, this cinematic get-together was done for Red Nose Day in the UK. Britain’s already watched the short film as part of their BBC broadcast, but it won’t premiere in North America until the U.S. edition of Red Nose Day on May 25.

The preview seems to suggest not too much has changed. Bill Nighy brags about making love to a Kardashian, cue cards reemerge and there isn’t a handful of Draculas that need to be slain. Sometimes it’s just nice to hang out with some old friends.