Fans Are Already Trying To Pay Joel Embiid’s Fine For Cursing Out LaVar Ball

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Joel Embiid‘s social media shenanigans finally caught up with him on Saturday, but people who believe in The Process are already lining up to help cover his tab. Embiid was fined $10,000 by the NBA on Saturday for an Instagram video where he said “f*ck LaVar Ball.”

But shortly after news of the fine hit the Internet, some Sixers fans banded together to help raise the money needed to foot the bill. A GoFundMe cause for Embiid’s fine popped up shortly after the NBA announced the fine, and fans immediately started trying to raise 10,000 for themselves.

The GoFundMe page says the money raised will not actually pay the fine but rather will be donated to the SPCA, which is a nice way to actually make something positive come out of all this. Embiid’s sudden feud with Ball hasn’t done much but keep us occupied in the NBA offseason, but charity is a good way to legitimize the whole deal.

Embiid, meanwhile, seems to be taking the fine in stride. In fact, it seems like he always knew a fine would come for his social media engagement.

Doesn’t seem like Embiid is worried about the fine one way or another. Maybe he’ll take notice of the campaign and throw a few dollars to charity as well.