The Mayweather-McGregor World Tour Went Off The Rails On Day 2 With Backpacks And Irish Flags Being Stolen

We knew the press conferences were going to be wild, but things officially went off the rails in day two of the Mayweather-McGregor World Tour. Toronto was firmly behind McGregor, who is utterly dominating the trash talk up until this point. Starting off, Floyd made McGregor wait, which meant Conor would take the mic and refuse to give it up, talking constant trash (a day after getting into it with Floyd Sr.) which was punctuated by a dig on Mayweather’s mystical book bag full of money.

“Why do you have a bookbag, you can’t even read?!” McGregor screamed into Mayweather’s face, who didn’t blink.

But then it got really real when Mayweather took the Irish flag and put it around his shoulders, which led to McGregor GRABBING THE BOOKBAG (gasp) and then mocking its contents of a mere few thousand dollars.

Things were getting personal. Increasingly personal. Both men are getting vicious in their trash talk and both guys are turning this from business venture to a grudge match in roughly 24 hours time. Maybe Floyd took Conor’s “f*ck you” suit personally?

At this point, how can you not be into this fight? It’s pure entertainment.