T-Pain Live Tweeting ‘Game Of Thrones’ Is Almost As Great As ‘Game Of Thrones’ Itself

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Game of Thrones is amazing, everybody knows it and it’s one of the most popular shows on TV thanks to that, and of course the dragons. Season seven is underway, and people are loving it and celebrating its existence every Sunday night, including T-Pain, who has taken it upon himself to live-tweet his thoughts each Sunday as he sits down and watches the war for the Iron Throne play out.

Obviously, plenty of people are doing the exact same thing each week, even Gucci Mane, but what separates Teddy Pain from the pack is that his reactions are hilarious and shockingly knowledgeable of the series and even the books. Sure, maybe he had time to read through those thousand page epics between all the drinks he was buying for the bartender and all the strippers he was falling in love with, but I know I wasn’t expecting T-Pain to be a maester in the arts of A Song of Fire and Ice.

But alas, Pain does seem to be some sort of an expert, and though he got started late tonight, his reactions to the second episode of the season did not disappoint.

First, there was Daenerys starting the episode off with a few tongue lashings towards her constituents.

Then Pain offering one of the many amazing reactions to the reunion of Arya Stark and her long lost direwolf Nymeria.

And a hat tip to the hair braider responsible for all the dope braids in Westeros.

Like everybody else, T-Pain was hyped to see everybody’s favorite it couple Grey Worm and Missandei finally do the deed.

Then he gave Little Finger the side-eye that we’ve all given him.

He went back to Arya and Nymeria for a second.

And lost it during the big battle of the night.

Finally, he looked back at Samwell The Grey Scale Scraper Off-er…

and gave Grey Worm one last shout out.

Game of Thrones may never be the same again now that T-Pain is here with us.