Chris Cornell Is Getting A Memorial Statue Built In His Honor In Seattle

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Chris Cornell named his most famous band Soundgarden after a well known art installation in Seattle. Now, just two months after his untimely and tragic death, he’s getting his own monument in the city that he called home for decades. Chris’s widow Vicky recently spoke to the Seattle Times where she revealed that plans are already moving forward to build a memorial statue of the iconic singer and place it somewhere in Seattle.

To build the statue, Vicky has reached out to Wayne Toth, the same artist who designed Johnny Ramone​’s statue at his Hollywood Forever grave in Los Angeles, the same cemetery where Chris was interred several weeks back. “He has already given me a design and the children and I love it,” Vicky said. “He is Seattle’s son and we will be bringing him home and honoring him, I hope, with all of you, your love and support.”

Vicky also talked about the kind of person that Chris was, saying that, “Everyone closest to Chris knew that nothing came before his family. He gave 110 percent of himself. There was nothing he would not do for us. If you were his friend, not time nor distance mattered, he was there if you needed him.” Adding, “Two months still feels like yesterday. It is still very recent and I’m sure this will be a process to years, to come to terms with what happened. If that’s ever actually possible.”