‘Super Troopers 2’ Gets A ‘Very Obvious’ Release Date On A Friday In The Spring Of 2018

In early August, the Broken Lizard team officially announced they had finally completed production on the long-awaited Super Troopers sequel, Super Troopers 2. With cameo roles played by the likes of Sasquatch-hunter Rob Lowe and, possibly, musician extraordinaire Willie Nelson, fans of the comedy troupe were happy to hear the news. Yet they were also growing anxious, as they immediately clamored online about how they want to see the highly anticipated film right meow. Thanks to Steve Lemme (Mac), however, we now have a rough idea regarding when Super Troopers 2 might see the light of day.

According to an interview with the independent Vermont outlet Seven Days, Lemme revealed “[t]here is [a release date], but I can’t tell you what it is.” Yet the comedian did say the movie will release in the “springtime and there’s a very obvious date, which happens to fall on a Friday this year.” By “this year,” Lemme was of course talking about 2018 due to his previous mention of a “springtime” release, but his thinly-veiled comments have already sent the internet into a tailspin of speculation. Especially since, to borrow another one of Lemme’s turns of phrase, Super Troopers 2‘s unveiling will occur on a “very obvious date.”

As IndieWire quickly determined, April 20th, 2018 just so happens to fall on a Friday. What’s more, the film’s distributor, Fox Searchlight originally had Wes Anderson’s Isle of Dogs set for that date, but the company has since moved it to March 23rd. In other words, there’s a good chance Super Troopers 2 will remind theatergoers precisely what snozzberries taste like when it drops — hopefully — on 4/20.

(Via Seven Days and IndieWire)