Fans Can’t Stop Asking The Mountain From ‘Game Of Thrones’ To Squeeze Their Eyeballs

Seeing how hopes are high for a possible Clegane showdown before Game Of Thrones rides off into the sunset in its next season, it’s only natural to talk a bit about the man behind The Mountain, Hafþór Júlíus “Thor” Björnsson. We already know how he thinks he’d fair in a battle with his brother, The Hound, but there’s also a few fun tidbits that were left behind in that interview with Entertainment Weekly.

As it turns out, being The Mountain is pretty good. Almost as good as being a professional strongman that’s at the top of his game. But it does have one or two drawbacks, like fans of the show constantly asking you to pretend to squeeze the eyes out of their heads:

Do they ever make requests of you?
I get a lot of requests fans asking if I want to squeeze their eyes. That’s very popular. Or pick them up over head. But the most popular to squeeze their eyes out.

Ah, like The Mountain did do Prince Oberyn. So do you do it?
I don’t lift anyone. Usually just girls. I have had to say no because if I’m going to lift one person then so many others are going to ask to be lifted too. If it’s just one person, okay, but it’s crowded then I know others are going to ask. You have to try to be fair to everyone you know.

Yes, it is an iconic scene from the show and one of the high points in its fourth season. That doesn’t mean you want a guy like Björnsson pretending he’s popping your head like a melon. Not only is it a little weird, but the guy is gigantic. One false move and it’s bye bye eye. You might get a sweet eye-patch out of it, but it’s going to hurt. If you’re going to push for it, at least help everybody make a little money in the process.

(Via Entertainment Weekly)