These Mid-Fest Burning Man Pics Highlight Creativity And Connection

It’s the first weekend of September and that means it’s Burning Man season. Thousands of people have flocked to the arid Nevada desert in search of spiritual awakening, jaw-dropping beauty, and good old-fashioned highs. With plenty of sex thrown in for good measure. It’s a festival that’s about human connectivity, transcending time and space, post-apocalyptic sculpture, and getting totally blasted. All for the low, low price of $1,200 per head.

Obviously, The Burn has developed and changed a lot since its conception as an outlier hippy retreat in the desert. People started catching on and making the event their own by adding personal flare — for better and worse. In 2017, the argument could be made that Burning Man (like many great festivals) has turned into a commoditized fashion show for viral and inception level advertising.

All of that notwithstanding, Burning Man is still an experience of the human spirit. It’s something that transcends marketing and profiteering if you give into the magic. It’s a place where you get to unabashedly let that freak flag fly. Where you can experience pure art, sex, and love in the middle of a sandstorm and then burn it all down to start the year anew. It’s that last bit of sun and rampaging merrymaking before the winter hits.

Here are some of the best photos from the desert… so far.