Donald Trump Fires Back At Roger Goodell, And NBA Commish Adam Silver Makes A Poignant Statement

Donald Trump doubled down on his hypothetical firing of NFL players he doesn’t employ for kneeling during the Pledge of Allegiance by calling out NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on his favorite platform, Twitter. Moments later, as the NFL beef was heating up across social media, NBA commissioner Adam Silver released a statement on behalf of the league and his players, showing support for the Golden State Warriors who were uninvited from their visit to the White House by the petulant president.

Here is Silver’s measured statement:

“I was in favor of the team visiting the White House and thought it was a rare opportunity for these players to share their views directly with the president. I am disappointed that that will not happen. More importantly, I am proud of our players taking an active role in their communities and continuing to speak out on critically important issues.”

Here is Trump’s demand that Goodell make people stand:

With LeBron James, Colin Kaepernick’s mom and thousands of sports fans dunking on the president, now is a good time to remember that Trump was unsuccessful buying the Buffalo Bills, and has railed against the NFL ever since.

It’s unclear whether he’s become a big fan of hockey due to Russian influence.