Woody Harrelson Discusses The Difficulty In Telling Willie Nelson He Stopped Smoking Pot On ‘Kimmel’

Most are aware that Woody Harrelson stopped smoking weed earlier this year, blaming “30 solid years of just partying too f*cking hard” for why he had to make his decision. Still, most can’t help but bring it up when Harrelson is around, not to mention that his actions lead most to assume that he is still smoking. That’s what happened on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Friday night, closing out the host’s week in Brooklyn with some talk about his turn as LBJ on the big screen and life without marijuana.

One of the interesting parts is how he brought up his lifestyle change to fellow noted marijuana fan Willie Nelson, especially when he’s lighting up right in front of you and passing the joint around. He tells Kimmel that he tried to hide it a bit at first, but soon had to just come right out and tell the country music legend that the dream was over. That’s not to say Nelson stopped trying to pass Harrelson the joint, all before likely writing a very sad song about it.

As for LBJ, Harrelson said he reached out to Bryan Cranston for some tips on how to play the former president that both men are portraying at the same time. Cranston was Johnson in All The Way on HBO in 2016, a performance that garnered a lot of praise during its jump from the stage to television screen and gave Harrelson the big idea to reach out for some pointers on how to bring Johnson to life on the screen. And surprisingly, Cranston seemed like he was willing to help.

Not bad, but we’ve still yet to just get a film based around LBJ’s search for a perfect pair of pants. That’s the film that we need.

(Via Jimmy Kimmel Live)