A Former Starbucks Barista Shares The Most Impressively Disgusting Drinks He’s Ever Seen


As a former barista, I have seen things. I have witnessed drink orders that would send Greek Gods into hyperglycemia. I’ve been there, hand over syrup pump with a look in my eyes that said: “done yet?” as the customer peered over the bar, calling for just one more shot of the pure sugar juice. I’ve also been one-half of some impressive flavor combinations. From the defunct mint syrup/white chocolate combo (often ordered without coffee and called a “return to the womb” by a regular customer) to a 12-shot Americano (with no water) that could only be made properly if the espresso was poured over a massive pile of raw sugar that rested at the bottom of the cup.

But in my years as a barista, I’ve never seen anything like this. Terence Wiggins, who is known as @TheBlackNerd on Twitter and Tumblr, has shared a collection of the most disgusting drinks he’s ever seen ordered as a celebration of putting in his two-week notice. Highlights include a 14-shot, 20-pump pumpkin spice latté with extra pumpkin topping and almond milk, as well as a grandé (medium) iced coffee with 15 Splenda packets.

Let it be known that making your barista open 15 Splenda packets (for a cold drink in which the sugar substitute won’t properly dissipate) is a good way to get decaf.

You can see the rest of his gross drink collection here.

(Via Thrillist)