Anthony Davis Lost It On A Ref And Got Ejected As DeMarcus Cousins Played Peacemaker

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The New Orleans Pelicans are 11-9 on the young NBA season, and while their record isn’t going to blow anyone away, DeMarcus Cousins and Anthony Davis are terrorizing teams on a nightly basis without much help. Injuries have hurt their depth, and at some point, Boogie and Brow are going to need help. But for now, they are carrying the Pelicans into playoff contention.

Davis must have been watching too much LeBron James film prior to Wednesday night’s match-up with the Timberwolves, as James was on the receiving end of his first career ejection against the Miami Heat Tuesday night. Davis joined LeBron on Wednesday, landing his first career ejection after arguing with an official on a foul that was called for Karl-Anthony Towns.

With Towns driving to the lane, the Pelicans swarmed him in the paint. At full speed, it looked like one of the Pelicans may have hit Towns in the arm. It’s a tough call to make in real time considering where all the defenders are positioned, but Davis clearly didn’t agree with the call, and he made sure the official knew.

This is the most upset we’ve ever seen Anthony Davis. The officials gave him two technicals and an ejection, and he still needed to be pulled away by his Pelicans teammates. DeMarcus Cousins, being the pro at arguing with officials that he is, smartly got in Davis’ face and probably saved his buddy some cash at the same time.

This is a classic Boogie Cousins move, by the way. He’s the hardest guy to calm down, but the first guy to calm his teammates down whenever these situations arise. Funny how that works.