LiAngelo Ball Claims He Only Thanked Donald Trump Because He Was Forced To By UCLA

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LiAngelo Ball thanking Donald Trump for his involvement in getting him out of legal hot water in China caused some controversy. It had nothing to do with the middle Ball child, but instead, it stemmed from the fact that his father, LaVar, refused to thank the President of the United States for his involvement.

The saga included Trump tweeting that he should have left the trio of arrested UCLA players in jail because of Ball’s refusal to thank him, and shortly after, the founder of Big Baller Brand went onto CNN to discuss the ordeal.

It was patently absurd, and as it turns out, LiAngelo didn’t want to thank the president for his involvement, either. LaVar and LiAngelo appeared on the New York City-based radio show The Breakfast Club and Lithuania’s newest professional basketball player claimed UCLA made him thank Trump.

Via BroBible:

“Actually my school wanted to hear it too,” Ball said. “Like before I went up there they were like, ‘you gotta say something.’

“If they didn’t tell me to do it he wouldn’t have been in there to be honest,” Ball continued.

This isn’t the first time in the last day that a member of the Ball family reignited an old feud, as Lonzo Ball took a shot at Nas before the Lakers played the Knicks at Madison Square Garden on Tuesday night. It remains to be seen if this is an inadvertent restart of the Ball v. Trump feud, but if it is, you can rest assured that the president’s tweets on the subject are going to be really weird.