The drama of what LeBron James said to Lonzo Ball on Thursday night continues to unfold. At first, the big question was what exactly did James say to the Los Angels Lakers rookie?
LeBron put his jersey over his mouth when he approached Ball on the court after the Cavs beat the Lakers, 121-112, on Thursday night. Afterward, he and Ball refused to reveal what was said between the two.
But then a hot mic did pick up what LeBron said to Lonzo, which was then scrutinized by the media even more. So now we know what he said, which was basically some simple advice about focusing on basketball.
The problem is, James specifically told Ball not to tell the media what he told him during postgame. So it’s no wonder that, according to, James was upset that his private advice for Lonzo was not “held private” for very long.
“Some things could be held private, like my conversation with Lonzo,” James said Saturday. “Everything doesn’t need to be said and people find out. There should be some type of privacy. So I’m OK with it.”
What’s so odd about this is that it really wasn’t a huge reveal. After all, this is what James said:
“Find your zone and just stay (expletive) locked in,” James said.
Again, not really groundbreaking. And here’s the part about the media.
“The media is going to ask you what I told you right now,” James also said. “Tell them nothing. Just be aggressive every single day. It’s white noise to you. That’s all it is. Alright? Let’s go.”
I understand LeBron’s request for privacy, but it’s kind of fitting that the advice James had for him is essentially something others have said about Ball over and over again. He stays out of the media and focuses on what he can control: basketball. James should already know that privacy is rare in the NBA, especially when you’re standing in the middle of a basketball court surrounded by cameras and microphones.