Fleet Foxes Join Forces With A Renowned Icelandic Choir For A Glorious Live Video Of ‘Crack-Up’

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In support of their excellent 2017 comeback album Crack-Up, Fleet Foxes are currently in the midst of a lengthy tour that extends into much of 2018. Last year’s touring plans included a stop at the Iceland Airwaves festival back in November and, while in town for the event, the band performed the album’s title track at Reykjavik’s legendary Harpa Concert Hall alongside renowned Icelandic choir Graduale Nobili. Finally, video of the once-in-a-lifetime performance is available, produced by Consequence of Sound Media. Check it out above.

Despite it being a performance of a single song, the video is somehow able to capture the melancholy of a full Fleet Foxes show. Employing a singular camera that moves around the stage without a single cut in the action, the color scheme of the setup and even the fine-tuned sound engineering all contribute to the simultaneous beauty and sadness that was experienced first-hand when Uproxx caught the band’s stop at the Hollywood Bowl toward the beginning of the touring cycle for Crack-Up.

We named Crack-Up one of our fifty best albums of 2017, and its strengths still hold up more than six months after its release. If you haven’t heard it yet, stream it here or pick up a physical copy from Nonesuch Records.