The Best Of Leslie Jones’ Winter Olympics Coverage, Day One


Leslie Jones is back for her special, endearing, and lo-fi brand of Olympic coverage in which she records her TV and screams her astonishment at the athletics playing out before her. In 2016, she took the Olympic world by storm with her tweets, now it’s a joy to see her bust out her camera phone once again to deliver possibly the most honest commentary of the Winter Olympics.

We’ve been following her Twitter feed all day (seriously she watches this stuff for 12 hours a day), and we’ve collected some choice cuts from Day 1.

This is what figure skating is all about:

The all-important question: Who has the baton?

Jones on aging gracefully in sporting competition:

Proof that snowboarding may not be a contact sport, but it’s still incredibly dangerous:

Then Leslie got her first taste of the Shibutani siblings and their amazing ice dance routine. (Check out our interview with them.)

One of the most impressive competitions of the day was the Snowboarding Slopestyle, which gave the U.S. its first gold medal thanks to Red Gerard. It’s a competition that proves you can have saggy pants and still be an elite Olympian.

Jones also knows the skeleton is absolutely insane. No one in their right mind should be doing this, but here we are.

Jones has been at this all day. Seriously, since the start of the Olympics.