LeBron Tells Fox News’ Laura Ingraham That He’s ‘More Than An Athlete’

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Fox News host Laura Ingraham reignited the debate over professional athletes speaking out on social issues by trotting out one of the most tired and offensive takes on the topic by trying once again, in vain, to argue that they should “stick to sports.” It was a direct response to a LeBron James video segment on UNINTERRUPTED, in which the Cavs superstar voiced his outrage at the Trump administration.

Kevin Durant, who also appeared in the video, came to LeBron’s defense on Friday, calling out Ingraham’s comments as “racist” and “ignorant.” LeBron himself had yet to respond directly to Ingraham, although he did take to Instagram in his own surreptitious way to remind the world that he’s living life to the fullest amid all the negativity.

On Friday night, however, LeBron took a more direct approach in yet another Instagram post by sharing a photo of a rather appropriately-themed neon sign that apparently hangs in the UNINTERRUPTED offices.

In the midst of one of the most socially-conscious moments in the history of sports, LeBron and scores of other pro athletes continue to use their platform to denounce institutionalized inequality in America, as well as an administration that enables and perpetuates it.

Ongoing efforts to silence or censor athletes like LeBron continue to be a futile endeavor, and this latest back-and-forth seems to indicate that neither side will let up anytime soon.