Chris Tucker Confirms ‘Rush Hour 4’ Is In The Works, Declares It Will Be The ‘Rush Of All Rushes’

New Line Cinema

Provided we understand the words coming out of Chris Tucker’s mouth, it sounds like Rush Hour 4 is officially a go. Of course, this sequel’s been reported to be in development since at least 2012, so pinch of salt and all that.

The subject came up when Tucker made an appearance on ESPN/The Undefeated podcast The Plug. Tucker was light on details, but declared the project was in motion. For those of you scoring at home, Rush Hour 3 came out in 2007 and the 2016 TV adaptation has been wiped from the bulk of the public’s brains.

“We’re working on it now,” Tucker told The Plug teasing the film as being “the rush of all rushes.” He also confirmed Jackie Chan will also be returning, so worries that his character would be taken over by Dan Fogler for some reason can be put to rest.

Tucker and Chan are onboard, but what happens from the director’s side of things? Brett Ratner, who directed all three Rush Hour films, has been accused of rampant sexual harassment and misconduct by several women. Common sense would suggest the franchise would want to distance itself from Ratner at this time, but common sense hasn’t always dictated what happens in the film industry regarding sexual misconduct allegations.

(Via The Plug & ScreenCrush)