Grimes Reveals Plans For A ‘Highly Collaborative’ Last Album For Her ‘Sh*t Label’

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Grimes is pissed at her label, 4AD. A few weeks ago, the Canadian producer and singer-songwriter Claire Boucher delighted fans with news that she was going to release a follow-up to her 2015 masterpiece Art Angels sometime this fall. Sadly, the joy of new Grimes tracks didn’t last for long; Boucher announced that the plan was dead in a now-deleted Instagram post, hinting at a possible fallout with her label. “welp no music any time soon after all music industry is trash,” she wrote.

After the devastation that can only come from new Grimes being torn away from us, Boucher returned with a glimmer of hope. She wrote on Instagram that she’s “back in the studio making a million beats.”

“one final album for my sh*t label and then my first album on a label of my choosing which im crazy stoked about eeeee,” she explained in the comments section of the post. “or i might go fully independent, researching options. the second one will be extreme darkness and chaos, the first will be highly collaborative and most glorious light.”

Whoever is putting Boucher in a corner like this must be stopped, but the silver lining of this loss of creative control is that the world will be getting two Grimes records relatively close to each other.

(Via Stereogum)