Someone Beat ‘Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!’ Blindfolded In World Record Time

The delicate and focused dance of combat that is Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! has enthralled gamers for over three decades. It’s one of those games that certain, skilled gamers can put on a resume, or bring up in conversation as one that you definitely can complete. But few can beat the game quickly, even less can do it with one life, with even less able to knock on the door of a world record time. And then there’s pro-gamer mPap, who can beat Punch-Out!! blindfolded in world record time.

Defeating Punch-Out!! quickly and in just a few-dozen minutes has been a bit of a white whale to the speed-running, blindfolded gaming circuit. A few years ago, Awesome Games Done Quick saw a blind run go all the way to Tyson, but he was unable to be defeated. But over the last week, mPap has been working diligently to just get to Tyson blindfolded, and somehow ended up beating him to complete the first sub-21 minute blind run in the history of the game.

To put this in perspective, beating Mike Tyson in Punch-Out!! in 21 minutes is impressive in itself, but doing it with a blindfold on is something that absolutely belongs in the history books. This is what many consider to be the most difficult games ever, somehow navigated to perfection simply by feel and sound? Incredible.

(Via Polygon)