After Azealia Banks Picked A Fight With Lana Del Rey, The Pop Star Issued An Epic Rebuttal

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About a week ago, Lana Del Rey aired out Kanye West for his supportive comments of President Trump. “I can only assume you relate to his personality on some level,” she wrote in an Instagram comment. “Delusions of grandeur, extreme issues with narcissism” among other comments. Earlier today, Azealia Banks took issue with Del Rey’s attack on Kanye, saying on another extensive Instagram story that she is “tired of white women in Hollywood and their fake ass innocent agendas.”

Well, while most celebrities stay away from grappling with the toxic vitriol that Banks is constantly spewing, Lana decided to respond, and her answer was swift and aggressive. See below:

After Lana’s tweet telling Banks to come meet her for a real life interaction if she wanted, Banks said she was interpreting the statement as a threat, and planned to call on her lawyer:

To which Lana responded:

That’s where direct, public confrontation between the two has ended, for now. It’s pretty rare for Lana to get public with an altercation like this, even her comment to Kanye felt like the words of someone who had been pushed to the edge. For Banks, of course, this is par for the course, so we’ll see if she continues to instigate. But it feels pretty clear that Lana’s mic drop won this round.