A ‘Walking Dead’ Actor Offered An Update On The Rick Grimes Movies


The Walking Dead’s ratings aren’t what they once were, but that hasn’t deterred anyone from doubling down on the franchise. In other words, people still seem to be stoked for the in-the-works series of television movies centered around departed break-out character Rick Grimes, played by Andrew Lincoln. In fact, one of the show’s other actors gave the world some updates.

That would be Polyanna McIntosh, who played Jadis-slash-Anne on TWD, whose character was last seen at the same time we last saw Grimes: She was piloting the injured character away midway through Season Nine. As per Comicbook.com, McIntosh put in her time at Fan Fest San Jose over the weekend and, although only last month she was saying she knew nothing, this time she was a fountain of at least somewhat useful, if still understandably vague, information.

For one thing, McIntosh implied that the movies would pick up at some point after Grimes’ departure from the show, and that Anne would be there. She also said the movies would gives viewers “more of an understanding of the community that [the helicopter group] came from and that I’m going to with them.”

That means McIntosh will be in the first of the movies, at least. She admits, though, she has yet to see a script, and all she can say is she, like Lincoln, won’t be returning to the main show. So there’s that.

(Via Comicbook.com)