‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ Is Winning A Lot Of Oscars And People Are Losing It

Twentieth Century Fox

Bohemian Rhapsody has been winning a lot at this year’s Oscars, which is great news to the many fans its presumably acquired, being as it is the highest grossing music biopic in history — a much, much bigger hit than Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, which still managed to kill the genre of cheesy music biopics for about a decade.

But not everyone’s having it. The Queen movie may be winning a ton of non-Oscar awards, including a bounty at the Golden Globes, but it has a powerfully mediocre Rotten Tomatoes score, and it’s been roundly criticized for fudging the facts, being shamelessly cornball, and for being (mostly) directed by Bryan Singer, who’s been accused by multiple people of sexual misconduct, some of them when they were underage. Some aren’t pleased.

One of the other main carps is that it was poorly edited. Shortly after the Oscar nominations were announced in late January, one person on Twitter went viral after highlighting this clip while mentioning it as a nominee for Best Film Editing.


Cut to a month later, and editor John Ottman won the Oscar for Best Film Editing on Bohemian Rhapsody. Well, now people really aren’t having it.








Some were furious about its win in other categories, namely Sound Mixing and Sound Editing.

Some made jokes about the real Bohemian Rhapsody-involved editing: the lack of mentions of Bryan Singer.


Some are just burned out on all the Bohemian Rhapsody winning.


Or maybe Bohemian Rhapsody is making people dislike “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

Maybe even Freddie Mercury wouldn’t be giving Bohemian Rhapsody this many awards.

All this being said, people can always focus on all the awards not being won by Bohemian Rhapsody.


UPDATE: Rami Malek won the Oscar for Best Actor, which is something we already knew people were not going to be happy about.