A Houston Man’s Tweet About His Dad’s Restaurant Has People Waiting In Line To Buy Donuts


Never ever doubt the power of social media. We’ve seen it do everything from fueling social justice movements to helping find missing people to addressing mental health issues in the most clever ways. With all of the arguing going on in the Twitterverse, every so often we get a lovely outcome to a tweet that went viral for the purest of reasons. That was the case this week.

Saturday, a son tweeted about his father’s new donut shop and how his dad was very sad that no one was coming to buy donuts.

It wasn’t long before people responded, asking for the shop’s address and vowing to go buy donuts if the stop was close enough.


Twitter did its thing. Now, after being retweeted more than 334,000 times and like more than 748, 000 times, Billy’s dad (who named the shop after his son *tear*) has a new problem: he keeps running out of kolaches and donuts because lines are OUT THE DOOR!

Billy tweeted this update after Twitter users begged to hear more about the shop’s fate:

Local news crews even came out to see what the deal was with the shop and try out the donuts for themselves.

An even happier ending to this story — the donuts are really good. Not only was everyone tweeting they went to the shop to get Twitter clout, but they were also tweeting about some bomb breakfast goodies that they thought everyone should try.

If you thought this feel-good story couldn’t get any better, you’re wrong. Because of Billy’s tweet and how well it turned out, Twitter paid everyone’s tab who visited the shop Monday morning. This is definitely in the running for the purest story of 2019 thus far, and for sure just another reason Houston is so dope.