Zac Efron Details The Wonderful, Breakfast-Themed Origins Of His Leonardo DiCaprio Friendship

Zac Efron should officially be allowed to now claim the status of “former teen idol” because, duh, that’s what happens when one portrays Ted Bundy. However, he’s still much farther behind in shedding that label than Titanic star Leonardo DiCaprio, who did his time on that beat before eventually graduating to Quentin Tarantino films and tussling with a bear on the frontier and such. The two actors are now friends, and they have been since the time they were first photographed together at a 2008 LA Lakers game. While appearing on First We Feast’s “Hot Ones” YouTube series, however, Efron revealed that they didn’t actually speak with each other until that point. Then the magic happened.

Breakfast magic, that is, which means the second-most enticing meal other than brunch. We can fight over that topic another time, but here’s how the star of Quibi’s upcoming Killing Zac Efron series relates that things went down during the game:

“We weren’t talking at that point, and I was just kinda gonna wait for him, and sure enough, he had his hat down low, and when the ball went to the other side, he was like, ‘Hey man, do you wanna go get breakfast tomorrow?’ And I was like, ‘Yeah, dude!'”

The rest is beautiful history. DiCaprio then invited him over and cooked breakfast, which turned into burnt waffles and un-burnt pancakes. Sounds delicious, actually. They also chatted about the paparazzi, and DiCaprio admitted that Efron’s was receiving a “little bit different” version of the paparazzi than he did. And then they looked at Leo’s monitors, and he said, “There’s never this many cars here, that’s insane, dude.” Then DiCaprio added, “Don’t worry about it man, you’re good.”

Interestingly enough, DiCaprio also recently appeared on Marc Maron’s WTF podcast, where revealed that he used to deal with a massive amount of paparazzi, but “not as much anymore.” He added, “I’ve been able to escape a lot more which is great, and walk around outside.” To that, his Once Upon A Time In Hollywood co-star, Brad Pitt, admitted to being “a little disgruntled with you now that I hear that.” Yep, PItt’s still tailed regularly. “I’m just like trash-mag fodder,” the Troy star declared. “Because of my disaster of a personal life probably.” Somehow, Leo’s off that kind of radar, so good for him.

(Via Hot Ones & Marc Maron’s WTF Podcast)